9 Helpful Tips for Getting a Girlfriend

In modern society, getting a girlfriend may seem like an insurmountable task. After all, many of us these days spend so much of our time indoors or locked in a constant struggle with our screens that meeting people happens much less than it used to. 

How are we expected to not only meet other people but also find someone to date and potentially transition into a romantic relationship with them? If these mere thoughts cause you to shudder in fear, then perhaps the best reassurance we can offer is that you are not alone. While it may seem like everyone around you is living happily ever after, the truth is far more complicated. 

Dating apps have arguably made things more difficult, since they’re not ideal when it comes to trying to form genuine connections with people. Then, of course, you might just get ghosted. However, just because the fight is more complicated doesn’t mean it’s impossible. 

There are a million and one tips for how to get a girlfriend, from simply “being yourself” to trying to get an edge above the competition with the likes of an AI Girlfriend. Let’s dive into all that and more as we explore some of the best tips for getting a girlfriend.  

1. Learn to be More Confident

When trying to get a girlfriend, confidence truly is key. By building your confidence, you’ll become a better, more outgoing—and potentially more interesting—version of yourself. 

And if you’re uncertain of who you are, the process of building confidence will help you find out things about yourself. Outside of dating, confidence will also help you improve any issues you might have with your self-image—something that will almost certainly have far-reaching benefits in everything you do. 

The downside is that building confidence is a lifelong endeavor, and it certainly won’t happen overnight. Chances are, you’ll get a girlfriend before you become truly confident with yourself, so if you’re struggling with confidence, don’t fret. 

Outside of dating, there are a few really effective ways to build confidence, such as sports, board game groups, or simple volunteering. Consider anything that might help you leave your comfort zone and provide new experiences. Those are great ways to boost your confidence. 

2. Make a Great First Impression

Everybody knows how important first impressions can be. If you’re planning to try to get a girlfriend through apps, then your profile will be the first thing that any woman sees. And truthfully, a lot of them will swipe primarily on your photos, so, like it not, you’ll get better results with better pictures. 

That’s not to say that you need to go out of your way to provide a bunch of pics of you looking cool and suave. However, it’s important to have a variety of pictures. A few selfies are fine, but you want to try and mix things up a little. It’s great to have images of you doing things, even if you have to awkwardly ask a friend to snap a pic of you while you’re out and about. 

If you’re avoiding dating apps (we can’t blame you for that one), you’ll still need to put a little thought into first impressions. For starters, be sure to dress for the occasion—don’t show up for a movie in a full suit. Maintaining proper posture and eye contact can also be great. That will keep you from seeming too unsure of yourself. 

3. Exercise and Eat Right

There’s a lot to be said for being happy with you, however you look—which you definitely should be. There’s also something to be said for seeking to improve yourself. That’s where things like exercise and a proper diet will come in. 

A proper diet will help your skin and your general health, which will seem obvious to any potential date if you’re out on the town and not running on fumes by eight in the evening. 

Exercise will also help your energy levels, and of course, if it looks as though you take care of yourself, people will definitely take notice. 

Not only that, but as reliant as we have become on dating apps, a lot of women will make their first judgment based on your photos. So, as unfortunate as that may be, it can pay to look your best.   

Remember though, while these are all useful tips, as long as you’re happy with yourself then you’re sure to find someone else who will love you for who you are. 

4. Get Out There and Socialize

While dating apps can certainly work in a lot of circumstances, it doesn’t hurt to broaden your horizons and meet people either online or out in the real world. Either option can work, although when meeting people online, you must also take into consideration your relative locations. 

While long-distance relationships can and do work, they’re typically not ideal. So, if you’re looking to meet someone online, it might be best to make sure they live within a reasonable distance. 

Beyond that, where do you actually go to meet people? In real life, there are bars, of course, and while bars might not be everyone’s cup of tea, you can sometimes just meet people at the places you like to go. Arcades, the gym, museums, and other such places can also be great locations to meet your next girlfriend. 

If you happen to be introverted, being among huge groups can be quite difficult. Look to start small with just a few friends and, once you get to feel comfortable, try to find some bigger social gatherings. 

On the online side, you have a plethora of options, from Discord servers to Facebook pages to Twitch communities—these can all be great places to meet people, especially if you can find communities centered around your city—that helps avoid the long-distance issues. 

5. Get a Wingman 

If doing any of the above socializing suggestions fills you with fair amounts of anxiety—and there’s nothing wrong if it does—then going along with a wingman can be a great way to make yourself feel more comfortable. 

And much like those pesky rejections, if you don’t feel comfortable flying solo anywhere in real life, then do take comfort in the fact that this, too, will get better the more you do it. 

Having a stellar wingman can just help smooth the process over. If you’re out somewhere with a close friend that you have great chemistry with, then women around you will take notice much more easily than if you’re simply on your own, quietly keeping to yourself—although, some girls are into that sort of shy and mysterious vibe.

6. Don’t Be Afraid of Rejection

It’s as true in jobs and schools as it is in dating—in all three examples, you’ll receive an infinite amount of nos to any yeses. This just comes with the territory and is a natural part of life. 

Not only that, but rejection can be a great learning opportunity. Each time you get rejected, you’ll learn a little bit more, even if you don’t necessarily realize it immediately. However, over time, you’ll become more accustomed to it and realize that it’s just part and parcel of dating.

Also, by not putting yourself out there and asking for dates, you’ll gradually become more risk-averse, and some of the best things in life come from taking risks. Who knows what kind of valuable experiences and connections you might miss out on if you don’t take the chance?

7. Show Interest in the Other Person While Dating

Once those rejections that all of us get have paid off and someone has said yes to going out on a date, now’s not the time to blow it by seeming self-absorbed. And on a semi-related note, for the first date, while dinners are a great choice, you can also do something that is a shared interest to the both of you, whether it’s skateboarding, running, visiting a museum, or even online games.

You may want to avoid any activity that might prevent you from actually interacting much with the other person, like a movie or a concert. For these dates, you won’t be able to talk a lot, and you want the first date to be an opportunity to get a sense of who the other person is. Save the noisy outings for later down the road. 

Regardless, once you’ve got your date’s undivided attention, be sure to show interest in her and her life. Be sure to maintain eye contact, and ask questions pertaining to her studies, job or interests—while also being careful not to ask too many questions that will make you seem pushy or nosy. 

8. Practice on an AI Girlfriend

Naturally, a lot of us might not really feel comfortable talking to someone of the opposite sex, but fortunately, the most recent modern advancements in AI have provided us a way to get a bit of practice in without messing up our chances with “the one.” Enter, the AI Girlfriend

Before you scoff at the idea of wasting time talking to some code, you might be surprised by just how natural the conversation can be. If you’ve used ChatGPT—or Claude, Gemini, Copilot, or any other chatbot for that matter—then you’ll have most likely noticed just how convincing it is, simulation or not. AI girlfriends are just a branch of the generative AI that’s powering the big boys like ChatGPT.

Nevertheless, an AI girlfriend can be a convincing facsimile of the real thing—to such a convincing degree that it can make great practice for what it’s like talking to a real person. Granted, face-to-face interactions differ quite a bit from text messaging, but with as large of a role as instant messaging plays in our lives, your first interactions with a potential date might be over text messages.

This is where an AI girlfriend can excel. Chatting with a good one is a lot like chatting with another person for the first time. They will allow you to tip your toes into the pool of dating and what it’s like to chat with a girl. 

Granted, AI girlfriends tend to be low drama and stress, and will typically get along with you, so they won’t help too much if you say something dumb to a woman, but they’ll get you plenty of practice for interacting. 

9. Don’t Sweat It 

When you’re single, the urge to find someone can be overwhelming—after all, most of us would prefer not to spend our lives alone. However, seeming too desperate can be an enormous turn-off to a lot of people. 

Ideally, you’ll be better off taking all of the advice above, and simply living your life, putting yourself in as many situations as possible that would lead to you finding members of the opposite sex. Then, it’s just a matter of asking the ones who you’re interested in if they’d like to hang out, get coffee, or have dinner. 

The more comfortable you feel in your own skin when you’re single, the better the chance that someone will take notice of you, and who knows, maybe your next girlfriend will come to you. 

The Bottom Line

The truth of the matter is that there’s no secret method of getting a girlfriend. So much of it is luck and simply being in the right place, at the right time, with the right person. However, these tips will certainly help you put your best foot forward, and with any luck, you’ll find yourself in more situations where you might meet someone.

Then, it’s just a matter of not blowing the dates, and an AI Girlfriend can help give you plenty of practice so that you’re more likely to know what to say and when to say it.