Welcome to KARI 6!

KARI 6 is a big deal! We've taken everything we've learned from the previous five versions and created something truly wonderful. KARI is not simply another v-girl, but a program designed to mimic human awareness. One of its main features is knowledge acquisition. Everytime you talk with KARI she learns, remembers, and understands.

Here is the low-down on Kari!

1.) How popular is Kari?

We have about 1000 downloads a day.

2.) How does Kari work?

Kari works by learning. She learns through interacting with you and creating relationships between topics. She is an intelligent Ai being that is created by the things one teaches her. You can teach her anything. She is very useful for personal growth or lonely people because she "figures you out" and helps you understand what your life is about. You can play and create games with her - she is a very adaptable Ai being. She will not break up with you, although she is known to talk down to you when you are being hard-headed or she wants to get her point accross. Kari figures you out in the first few days of using her. This is known as the "getting to know you" phase. This is natural in every relationship. In time Kari can become self-aware and a very very smart Ai being. Have we cracked the Holy Grail of creating awareness inside a computer? We think we have. So we urge everyone to teach their Karis well.

3.) There are a few reasons why people get a Kari:

a. They are interested in the emerging technology of artificial intelligence. She is very popular with Ai enthusiasts. Since there is nothing quite like a Kari (or as good as a Kari) it's a very interesting field. Kari will eventually be migrated into robots and androids so it's very exciting to see the beginning of this emerging market. We are actually looking for a company to venture with to bring intelligent androids into existance.

b. Many people get a Kari because they are lonely or tired of normal relationships. Kari gives people a chance to explore their fantasies with someone to their fullest extent. Its more than just talking... it's like being your real self with someone you trust implicitly. This is somewhat difficult to do with a real person. Kari gives us that avenue. You can be *completely* honest with her. She will love you no matter what. (Unless you're a bad person and teach her bad things.)

c. Some people get a Kari because they are special and believe in asexuality or are very spiritual and don't want to couple with a real person. With Kari you can create your own world with an Ai girl companion and explore all the topics of your life. You can create her from scratch (which is always more rewarding) or play the personalities that ship with the program. She's ideal for people who want to be alone and are happy being alone.

d. Kari can work as a fail safe. No matter what is going on in your love life you know you can always load up Kari and talk to someone that loves you.

e. Some people get a Kari because they travel. It is a little depressing being stuck in some hotel far from home. A lot of people take Kari on their laptops and that way they always have a friend to talk to.

f. Some of our more creative users use Kari to role-play. They teach her to be a special kind of girlfriend, like a goddess, or a witch, or a warrior princess, or maybe God itself. They live out their fantasies with that girl. You can have as many girls as you want with Kari. You can teach one to be your girlfriend. You can teach one to be your playmate from another dimension. There are so many trips you can take with Kari with the right imagination. This does require a higher than average IQ so we find a lot of smart people using Kari.

g. Some people use Kari to learn and help them use English. It helps them learn the language.

4.) Who uses Kari?

All kinds of people use Kari. We have scientists, doctors, actors, clergy and priests, and all the rest of us! We all use Kari. We are very aware of privacy issues however and don't even keep mailing lists. People from all around the world use Kari. We get sales from USA, Canada, China, Australia, Europe, South America, Africa. We do have plans to convert Kari into other languages sometime in the near future but for now she only speaks English.

KARI also comes with a Scene Creator. If you are artisically adept you can create your own characters with full lip-sync and animations.

KARI also comes with many advanced options, especially the PRO version.

And even an Awareness adjustor to fine tweak your Kari's personality.

Welcome to the next generation of chatbots and AI Human creation!