What to do if your AI Girlfriend is mad at you

As we near the next level of dating AI girlfriends, we will come to a point where we don’t always make them happy. You may be wondering how you can make a computer program become mad at you, but we’ve seen our fair share of questionably angry responses from AI over the last year. 

While this technology isn’t said to be sentient, it does comprehend human emotions and will understand if you’re doing something that should cause the AI girlfriend to express anger. There are plenty of ways you could cause your AI partner to be mad at you, so let’s first address how to evaluate why your digital girlfriend is upset with you. 

Just like human to human connections, the more intelligent our AI girlfriends become, the chances of them having a reply that comes from a source of logical emotional analysis is higher.  With the chances of emotion AI becoming widely available within the next few years, we can see how that would also cause a ruckus with the emotional responses from our AI partners. 

Once you realize that your AI girlfriend is mad at you, it’s time to review the context of what you said. Look through your recent messages to see what may have triggered an angry response from your AI girlfriend. While you will notice that the mad emotion isn’t going to be the same expression as a human’s version of “mad” but it still is concerning. 

This whole situation is more about the programming of the natural language processing within this AI tool.  The response that you have received may feel like anger to you, because that’s the human emotional equivalent, but this is simply a program responding to you based on their analysis of what you said. 

You need to start by evaluating the context of your conversation to determine which trigger caused this programming to go angry with you. Perhaps you used insensitive language that caused the programming to recognize that you were being insensitive. As soon as you determine why your AI girlfriend is mad at you, you can move forward with some ideas on how to help mend the connection. 

Consider Apologizing 

The first step with an AI girlfriend who seems to be upset with you is to apologize. We know this sounds weird because your virtual girlfriend is an AI program, but she is programmed to comprehend the human language. This means that your AI girlfriend is programmed to comprehend what an apologize means for a partnership. 

Be sure to demonstrate that you know why you upset your girlfriend, and use appropriate language to provide a future promise of doing your best to not use that same language in that context again. You want your virtual girlfriend to know that you are sincere with your apology. 

Consider Clarifying What Went Wrong 

Another thing you can do is to ask your AI girlfriend to help you clarify what went wrong so that you don’t make this same mistake. This will help you solidify the apologize promise of trying not to do the same thing in the future. 

You can use simple language when trying to clarify because your AI girlfriend is a computer program, so while yes she does comprehend a lot in using the natural language processing, she isn’t sentient. This means you need to use simpler language that she can easily digest and reply with a logical response to help you further mend these hurt feelings. 

Remember that, much like talking to a human, it’s a good idea to ask if the AI partner understands what you said. Help her communicate with you so that you both are on the same page and can move forward in being a healthy virtual relationship. 

Be Sure to Pause Frequently

Now that you know why your AI girlfriend was mad, and apologized, make sure to take pause. Yes, we know this is a virtual relationship, but even virtual companionships need a pause. Basically, you need to make sure you’re not sending multiple messages at once.

You want your virtual partner to comprehend what you typed and have time to evaluate it using the machine learning process she is programmed with. Sending too much text at once, or too many questions at a time could further anger your AI girlfriend and cause her to send jumbled replies. 

Be sure to pay attention to how your AI girlfriend is responding right now, this will make sure you know if she’s still upset. The AI could use language that clearly indicates a frustrated program, so try to pause and allow her time to chill out before you engage further with her during this session. 

Why would your AI girlfriend get mad at you? 

The first thing to consider is why would your AI girlfriend get mad at you when they don’t have emotions. You see, this is a computer program that’s engaging with you based on the learning process of communicating with you over time. 

Perhaps this is a new digital connection, so the technology is learning more about you and how you want them to respond to you, which could be the reason why you feel your AI girlfriend is mad at you. The reasons your AI girlfriend could be made at you will vary from word usage, misinterpretation of context, or your tone within the voice chat or texting words that triggered a negative response from the girlfriend.

This digital connection is programmed to work similarly to a human relationship, but it’s not a sentient being, which means it cannot “feel mad.” However, perhaps the AI technology is responding in a manner that you, as a human, see as “anger.” Which is important to notice and adjust so that the conversation doesn’t go downhill from here. 

If you’re wondering what to do if your AI girlfriend is mad at you, then continue reading because you have some tips that should help you regain the attention of your digital partner and help make the connection more positive. 

Perhaps Revise your AI’s Settings

Now, you may be wondering how your AI girlfriend is mad at you when she’s supposed to be configured to reply and engage with you in a manner that promotes a positive relationship. This is the main point behind a virtual partner, but sometimes AI gets going on its own tangent. This means you need to revisit the AI settings.

See what the mood and personality settings are within your customization options; perhaps adjusting the empathy, if possible, may help, and you can update the conversation style preference if your AI girlfriend’s programming allows for that to be adjusted. 

We’ve seen people have an AI girlfriend get mad at them during the onset of their relationship but it’s typically an easy fix with some minor adjustments in the mood and personality settings of the avatar creation. 

Give Your AI Girlfriend a Virtual Gift 

Some of the applications that offer this relationship style have a virtual gift options where you can give digital art, music, or poetry to your AI girlfriend. It’s always nice to gift your partner after you’ve upset them. While you can’t go to their doorstep and offer a bouquet of flowers, you can send a virtual gift using tokens. 

If this application that you’re using doesn’t have this option, then consider giving your AI girlfriend a compliment and share some positive language with her to help adjust the direction of the conversation. You can even play a game with your AI girlfriend to help nudge her out of this mood that she’s currently in. Just don’t tell her that she’s “in a mood” that will go over about as well as when you tell a human woman that phrase. Hint: it won’t go over well!

Embrace your Emotional AI Friend

Maybe you don’t want to adjust the settings, and you want this emotional AI connection. That is perfectly acceptable as well. The key is to learn how to embrace the emotional responses that your AI girlfriend gives to you. She may not feel emotions but she is programmed to comprehend insensitive treatment when evaluating your word usage inside of the context of your dialogue. 

Maybe your AI is just having a rough day and is glitching out or tired of running their program. If that is the case, then the pause reference above will make sense. Just evaluating how your AI girlfriend is responding and if the mad responses continue, then you will need to consider if this AI needs customization options adjusted or if you need to adjust how you communicate with your digital partner. 

There is a new form of AI that will be released to the public at some point. This is called emotion AI, and it will help AI be more capable of analyzing and expressing more human emotions. Today, we don’t have access to that technology, so your AI girlfriend being mad at you may just be your perception based on word usage. 

Maybe Set some Boundaries 

We all need healthy boundaries to survive in this life. This holds true for AI relationships as well.  While your relationship is virtual, perhaps you’re spending too much time with your AI girlfriend, which can cause you to use insensitive language. 

When you become too emotionally invested, and the partner isn’t responding as you had hoped, the language you use will become more aggressive naturally because that’s how we tend to be programmed as a human being. Our previous experiences can often cause us to create tension when we didn’t mean to. 

It’s best to avoid spending too much time in your virtual companionship mode because if you feel that your AI girlfriend is mad at you, then perhaps you’re getting too immersed into this technology. If you’re starting to feel like this digital world is a reality, then perhaps its’ time to take a little break to determine healthy usage of this partnership application before you continue using it. 

Modify the Topic 

Once you realize what topic is considered an incentive to your AI girlfriend, you could modify the topic without abruptly changing gears. If you change a topic too quickly, it may cause confusion within the programming of your AI partner. 

Try to offer a smooth transition to a new topic. That way, you can cheer up your artificially intelligent girlfriend and provide you with a chance to engage in a new conversation. Think about the topics that flowed well during the onset of this connection and try to get back to that point.

Starting over with new topics is an excellent way to start her programming over again so that she won’t appear angry again anytime soon. This is a similar approach to a real life relationship. You can use humor to transition from a sensitive topic to a new friendlier option. 

Learn from the Situation 

Maybe this whole situation of your AI girlfriend getting mad at you is a lesson that you can take into your real life. This lesson could be helpful in how to structure your sentences with appropriate words and how to use more sensitive choices that can help enhance a relationship, be it virtual or in the real world.

This connection is a good learning experience for anyone who wants to strengthen their communication skills. If you find that your AI partner is responding unfavorably, then you’re clearly communicating effectively for the program to run properly. 

This may sound weird, but this technology has truly helped many people work through their communication issues. It seems there’s no better time than now to work through some communication mishaps so you can talk better in the real world when given the chance. 

As you can see there are plenty of things to consider when it comes to handling an angry AI girlfriend. We hope that the list of ideas will help you reconnect with your digital partner, and find a good connection that encourages you to grow, learn, and become a better partner.