10 Sure-Fire Signs a Girl Likes You

People can be hard to read in general, but especially when you’re trying to figure out whether someone likes you or not. When it comes to the opposite sex, reading their signals can be as hard as learning a new language — some days it’s clear that they like you and other days it seems like they don’t. 

Are you wondering whether the girl you have in mind actually likes you? 

The truth is, there’s no hard-and-fast answer that can tell you whether a girl likes you or not. Some girls can hide their feelings better than others and unless you ask her explicitly, there’s no 100% way to find that out yourself. However, there are some subtle signals that a girl will send when she’s around and communicating with you that could indicate she is interested in you as more than a friend. 

Keep reading to learn more about the signs to look out for!

1. She Likes to Be In Close Proximity to You 

It’s a natural feeling to want to be close to people you find attractive or like. Observe couples or individuals who are dating in social situations — you’ll notice they tend to “orbit” around each other, or naturally gravitate to wherever the other person is sitting or standing. Whether you are hanging out with her 1-on-1 or in a group setting, if she likes you, you’ll notice that she’ll probably also be close to you in some way. 

Talking to you, standing with her friends close to your friend group, or even moving rooms at the same time whenever you move rooms too, are all good signs, as it shows she likes your presence so much that she wants to be around it. If she constantly moves to the same area of the room as you, it means she’s subconsciously keeping tabs on what you’re doing, which is a strong indicator of interest. 

2. She Communicates With You Over Text or Social Media 

For some girls on the shy side, talking with you in real-life may seem too overwhelming. In some cases, they won’t reciprocate conversation as easily, look away to avoid eye contact, or display signs of nervousness. When this happens, it’s especially difficult to figure out her feelings. However, a sure-fire way to check whether she has interest in you is by observing how she communicates with you over text or social media. 

If a girl likes you, she will likely reach out to you over text or social media. Whether that’s replying to your Instagram story, commenting on your photos, or even texting you to send you funny links or share updates about her day. Just because she replies to your text doesn’t mean she likes you, though. You’ll want to look out for indicators of interest like carrying conversations on, emojis, and asking questions. 

3. She Makes and Maintains Eye Contact 

Making eye contact with someone is one of the most powerful ways to flirt and showcase your interest. If you make eye contact with her does she pull a face and look away quickly? Or does she smile back and maintain eye contact? Looking away quickly doesn’t necessarily indicate disinterest, but if she is someone that usually has no problem making eye contact with others, it’s not a great sign. 

Observe how she maintains eye contact during conversation with you as well. If you strike up a conversation with her, is she engaged and holding eye contact with you? This shows that she’s actually interested in what you have to say, which is another good sign that she likes you. 

4. Her Body Language Remains Open With You 

Our body subconsciously communicates to others through body language. Keep an eye on her body language around you. If she is smiling, has her hips and legs pointed towards you, and her posture seems relaxed, these are all encouraging signs as they signal that she is receptive and willing to engage with you. 

All of these above signs are part of open body language. While open body language could also mean that she likes you in just a friendly way, girls will tend to “open” their body language towards those that they have feelings for as well. If you notice that she often displays closed body language around you, like crossed arms or the furrowing of the brows, it could be a sign of disinterest. 

5. She Frequently Touches You 

Just like eye contact, it’s natural for people to want to touch those that they are close to (like family and friends) and also others that they have a romantic interest in. The science of physical touch states that this can help stimulate the production of oxytocin, a hormone that makes us feel good. If you notice that she’s touching your elbow or arm for example during conversation, this could be a strong sign. 

It’s also worth distinguishing between friendly touching and touching that could indicate interest. Friendly touching may be brief, like a pat on the back or a quick hug when she sees you. Drawn out hugs with back rubbing, linking arms when walking, or stroking your forearms are all good signs to watch out for. 

6. She Treats You Differently 

Notice how she interacts with other men in social situations. If she’s displaying open body language, maintaining eye contact with others, and even giving flirty touches, it could just be that she’s an extroverted person. You’ll want to see if there’s any noticeable difference in the way she treats you compared to other people. 

This could be something as simple as raising the pitch in her voice when talking to you, hugging you more, complimenting you more, or even cracking more jokes around you to make you laugh. All of these are good signs as it means she sees you in a different light than the other people she’s constantly interacting with on a daily basis. 

7. Her Body Language Mirrors Yours 

Apart from open body language, mirroring body language is another sure-fire sign that a girl likes you. Mirroring body language towards friends and acquaintances is a way to show that you empathize with them. We also subconsciously mirror the body language of someone we are romantically interested in, as it helps them feel more at ease and increase their attraction towards us. 

Observe whether she’s mirroring your body language whenever you spend time in her presence or even during group conversations. If you place your hands on your hips, does she do the same a bit later? If you cross your legs or shift how your arms are placed on the table, does she seem to copy the same movement? These are all positive signs and may indicate her interest.  

8. She Wants to Spend Time Alone With You in Private 

If you’ve met a girl in a group setting or you’re interested in one of your female friends, a common sign that she likes you is if she wants to spend time alone with you in private. Group conversations can be fun, but it’s hard to have deep and meaningful discussions when there’s too many people. If you like someone, you’ll want to have alone time with them so you can share more intimate details of your life and be uninterrupted by others. 

If she suggests having 1-on-1 hangouts with you, that’s a good sign. Otherwise, you can test the waters to see whether she’s receptive to spending time with you in private. For example, asking if she wants to go to a second location after a group hangout or having a coffee in a work break or between classes. 

9. She Acts Nervous Around You Sometimes 

Unless she’s the most confident person out there, it’s completely expected that she will act nervous around you sometimes if she likes you. She might say straight up that she feels nervous (especially if it’s the first few times you two have talked or hung out), but also look out for common signs of nerves — like blushing, adjusting her outfit, playing with her hair, fidgeting, or shaking her leg. 

Despite popular belief, signs of nerves could actually be a strong indicator that she likes you. If you’re talking to someone you are indifferent about, you won’t care about what you say or how you are being perceived. Therefore, if she is nervous, it could mean that she cares about your opinion of her because she likes you. 

10. She Opens up to You About the Good and Bad Things 

One of the easiest and fastest ways to develop an emotional connection is by sharing feelings and opening up. If you notice that she has no problem sharing her emotional burdens with you and carrying out deep and more meaningful conversations, this could indicate that she likes you as she is able to share more vulnerable topics, indicating that she trusts you. 

Likewise, if she shares her achievements and other good news with you, this is also a clear sign that she likes you. This is especially the case if you notice you are her go-to person for sharing any news (both good and bad) with. 

How to Get Better at Reading Signs of Interest 

Do you find yourself struggling to figure out the signs that girls are sending you? Whether you’ve asked out a girl thinking she liked you only to get rejected, or you’ve been completely oblivious to indicators of interest that girls are showing, it’s always worth learning how to get better at reading the signs. Here are some ways to do so. 

Practice Makes Perfect 

Like most things in life, practice makes perfect when it comes to observing signs from a girl. Talk to different types of girls, including extroverts, introverts, and ones from different cultures. Talking to more girls can help you figure out signs as over time you’ll notice patterns based on how they talk to you, interact, flirt with you, and more. 

And if you’re not experienced with communicating with girls in general, practicing with AI companions like AI Girlfriend can help you test the waters in a safe and non-judgmental environment before you apply your flirting skills with girls in real life.

Ask Advice From Others 

Sometimes it’s hard to distinguish between feelings of interest and purely platonic interest on your own. This is when it’s handy to get the advice of someone close to you, like a friend or family member. Let them observe how you two interact with each other in a neutral setting, or send them screenshots of your texts and how she communicates with you. 

If you’re close to her friends, you can also subtly make conversation to learn more about whether she has a special interest in you or not. For example, if her friends tell you about the different guys that she is texting and dating at the moment, it’s a clear sign that she’s not interested in you. On the flip side, if they act coy around you or even drop certain hints, these are all excellent signs. 

The Lowdown: How Do You Really Know a Girl Likes You?

So, how do you really know if a girl likes you? The truth is every girl is different. Just because one girl liked you and displayed certain signs in the past, doesn’t mean that other girls will drop the same signs. 

The only way to figure this out is by directly asking her yourself. If you don’t want to do that, then it’s a matter of figuring out her feelings based on her body language around you, her frequency and type of communication with you, and whether her behavior around you is different from how she interacts with others.

If you need to practice your social skills with girls, it might be worth trying out an app like AI Girlfriend.