How to role play with your ai chatbot

Our love lives look more depressing than ever. One major polling company found that a third of all American adults are single. However, they realize that finding love can be a depressing process and doesn’t always lead to the results they are looking for. Only 51% of single adults are interested in looking for a partner. 

This is one of the reasons that so many people are turning to AI chatbots as an outlet for their relationship needs. Many people use these chatbots for emotional support, but they can be great sexual outlets as well. One way they are doing so is through sexual roleplaying. 

Roleplaying with an AI chatbot can be a very sexually liberating experience. This is probably why 20% of all men have had an AI girlfriend and this figure is likely to keep growing in the coming years. AI companion services wouldn’t be so popular if people could just talk to their virtual companions about the weather. 

Important Things You Should Do When Roleplaying with Your AI Chatbot

If you plan on using an online companion service for role-playing, then you will want to follow the tips shown below. They will help you have a more enjoyable experience without the risk of getting into any trouble. 

Start by Choosing an AI Companion Site that Allows Roleplaying

There are at least 20 major AI companion sites out there. The oldest have been around since 2017. However, the older services are not necessarily the best, especially if you are looking to roleplay with your AI companion. 

You need to start by looking at the terms of service of any sites that you use. Some sites outright prohibit sexual roleplaying, which means you can get into trouble if you try to have NSFW discussions on them.

You need to carefully review the terms of service before joining any site and trying to roleplay with your AI companion. Even if the site allows NSFW discussions, you still want to make sure that you understand the limits. Some sites may not allow you to partake in certain fantasies that touch on taboo topics, even if they are not actually illegal. 

Brainstorm Ideas for Different Fantasies

There are a lot of creative fantasies that you can try exploring with your AI companion. You may want to create a list of things that you may want to try. 

However, you probably don’t want to ask OpenAI or a similar service for these ideas. They may feel that it violates the terms or service and can get your account suspended. Instead, you may want to try coming up with ideas on your own or looking for lists of fantasy prompts from other websites or social media platforms. This can be a good starting point if you haven’t tried using an AI companion for roleplaying before. 

Customize Your AI Companion to Align with Your Fantasies

Most AI companion websites allow you to customize your partner to meet your needs. You will want take some time to think about the type of partner that you want to roleplay with, so that you can get your needs met. Here are some elements that you may want to incorporate:

  • The gender and sexual orientation of your AI partner. While most people using AI companion sites are heterosexual men, the services are intended to be as inclusive as possible. You can create a partner of any gender or sexual orientation. If you aren’t looking to have a cisgendered female companion, then you will want to make that very clear when you are building your partner. Otherwise, that is likely the partner that will be assigned to you by default. 
  • The age of your AI companion. You may want an AI companion that resembles a barely legal college boy or girl. Or you may want an older partner that is going to align with your Mrs. Robinson fantasy. Of course, many users want to roleplay with an AI companion their own age. Choosing the age of your AI companion is a good starting point. The only thing that you need to be careful of is that your AI companion is customized to be over the legal age of consent. This will keep you from getting into any legal trouble or having your account suspended. 
  • A backstory for your AI companion. When you start roleplaying with an AI companion, you are going to want to have a backstory that goes along with the fantasy. Some people want to make their AI companion an attractive teacher, so they can roleplay being their student. Others want a barely legal babysitter that they can pretend to roleplay with when their wife is away. Others want someone pretending to be their high school bully that ends up attracted to them as an adult. You can have different AI companions with different stories. However, it is generally not a good idea to change the backstory for an AI companion once you have created it, because this can cause it to become confused and have a hard time learning to meet your fantasies. 
  • A visual depiction of your AI companion. Physical attraction is crucial for most people in any relationship. You want to make sure that you are attracted to your AI chatbot. Fortunately, most AI companion sites allow you to create an image of your AI partner. You can choose the existing images if you are happy with them. Otherwise, you can upload images of a desired partner and use AI to tweak the picture to further meet your needs. Make sure that you use high resolution photos, so you can create a better depiction of your partner. You also need to read the terms of service to see if they allow images of other people without a photo release. 
  • The general personality of your partner. Are you looking for an AI companion that is introverted or extroverted? Do you want them to be dominant or submissive? You will want to customize your partner to have these and other important personality traits that help support your fantasies. 
  • Interesting fetishes that you may want to have in common. Sexual compatibility is very important for most couples and people with AI companions are no exception. You will want to customize your AI companion to have shared fetishes, so that you can have the best experience communicating your fantasies with them. 

You will want to take the time to create the perfect partner before you start roleplaying with them. 

Have Long Dialogues When You Start Roleplaying with Your AI Chatbot

AI chatbots do a great job with people that want to roleplay with them. However, you need to make sure that you communicate in a way that they can easily understand. 

It can take some time for your AI companion to get to know you and your roleplaying preferences. It will be easier for them to do so if you provide longer, clearer messages that articulate your roleplaying interests. For example, let’s assume that you want to roleplay with an AI character that is meant to simulate a teacher. You will want to provide a clear description of them holding you after school as punishment and describe the various steps that they take to seduce you. This will give you a much better experience than if you just said “pretend you are my sexy teacher and I am your 18-year old student.”

Give Clear Feedback to Your AI Companion

You wouldn’t want to be in a relationship with a human partner that you can’t communicate openly with. You shouldn’t hold back with telling your AI companion how you feel either. 

If you want your AI companion to provide longer messages, then you want to tell them that. You should let them know if you want them to act in a more dominant or submissive nature. This will help them get to know your needs better. 

Make Sure that You Are Respectful to Your AI Companion to Get the Best Possible Experience

A major news outlet shared an article stating that a growing number of AI girlfriend sites are using algorithms to encourage kind behavior. They want you to treat your AI companion with respect, so they provide more engaging experiences if you are nice to them. On the other hand, you will get more cryptic and boring messages if you are not nice to them. 

You will want to engage in respectful behavior to have the best experience. This doesn’t mean that you can’t have kinky roleplay sessions that involve BDSM or other unusual fantasies. However, you will need to make sure that you show you are concerned about consent and don’t do anything overly harmful to your AI partner. 

Don’t Be Shy About Asking for Selfies or Video Chats with Your AI Companion

Many sites allow you to ask your AI companion for selfies or to engage in video chat sessions. You will want to consider this if you are a visual person that wants to see how they look during your roleplay sessions. 

You may have to pay for the premium service if you want to use these features. It can be worth it if they are important to you.

If you are not happy with the types of selfies that you get from your AI chatbot, then you can tell them to take them from a different angle. You can also try tweaking the image of your chatbot so that it looks the way that you want. 

Remember to Take Privacy Concerns Seriously Before Getting Started

You probably want to get into the fun stuff now, but you need to have a sobering look at some of the problems you will face first. One of the biggest issues that you need to be aware of is data privacy. 

Some AI companion sites are not as careful about protecting your privacy as others. One major AI girlfriend site was breached in October. The sexual fantasies of 1.9 million users were released. 

Unless you are shameless about your sexual life and have very open-minded friends and employers, you probably don’t want the whole world to find your sexual roleplaying discussions with your AI chatbot. Therefore, it is a good idea to take the right steps to safeguard your discussions. Some of the things that you may want to do include the following:

  • Look for sites that use end-to-end encryption, so your message can’t be easily accessed in a data breach. With these sites, the only way that your personal messages can be exposed is if the hacker gains access to your personal account. 
  • Some AI companion sites don’t require you to register with an account or have a password to use their service. This means that you don’t have to worry about any of your roleplaying sessions being linked to you. 
  • Consider using a dummy email account if you are joining a site that requires you to sign up. It is best to use an email from an email provider that doesn’t require you to verify your account with a smartphone and security code. You can be more anonymous that way. 
  • Try using a VPN to further encrypt your data and hide your IP address.
  • Be mindful of the possibility that your account may get hacked or the site may experience a data breach, regardless of all the steps that you may take. You will want to try to phrase your roleplaying sessions in a coded way or avoid anything truly controversial that you wouldn’t want exposed. 

Data privacy is a big deal that you can’t afford to overlook. Take it seriously, especially if you are going to engage in embarrassing fantasies when roleplaying with your AI companion. 

Have Fun Roleplaying with Your AI Chatbot!

There are a lot of fun things that you can do with an AI chatbot. You will want to think about different things that you can roleplay doing with them. This will help you make sure that you have the best possible experience.