There are few things in life more satisfying than making someone laugh, especially if it’s a girl you like. It’s easier said than done though! After all, everyone has a different sense of humor, and what makes one girl laugh may not have the same impact on someone else.
So, if you’re having trouble making a specific girl laugh, fret not; it might just be that you’re not tuning in properly to whatever her sense of humor is. This is definitely something you can fix, but you’ll need to learn how to identify her personality and what kind of humor is best suited to making her laugh.
Fortunately, there are some methods for how to make a girl laugh, and also tips on how best to get there. You can even practice it with the help of an AI Girlfriend. Think ChatGPT—only instead of offering general conversations, AI companions allow you to simulate romantic interactions. They can be great for helping to learn how to make a girl laugh.
We’ll be exploring all that and more, so, without further ado, let’s dive in, starting with the importance of it all.
Why Is Laughter Such a Great Thing?
Everyone loves to laugh. Well, maybe not everyone, but at least most reasonable people find humor very enticing. Friends (and significant others) who laugh together tend to stay together. A funny moment shared is a stronger bond than any glue. This is perhaps even more true for romantic relationships. If you can make a girl laugh, she’ll feel more comfortable with you, and you can be more open with each other.
To that end, making a girl laugh has less to do with telling simple jokes or being the class clown and more about trying to show her the lighter side of life. In the right hands, humor shows how confident and creative you are, which a lot of girls find very attractive. Not only that, but being able to adapt your humor to any situation and her personality can be a great way to show a girl how emotionally intelligent you can be.
Most people also know that laughing releases endorphins and creates positive memories, so when two people laugh together, it enhances the experience to feel more meaningful and strengthens the connection.
As such, learning how to make a girl laugh isn’t a simple parlor trick—it’s a way to lay the foundation for a deeper relationship. It may take some effort—and trial and error—but if you can make a girl laugh, you’ll become someone she associates with happiness and good times.
Identifying What Kind of Sense of Humor She Has
If you want to figure out how to make a specific girl laugh, then the place to start is by paying attention to what makes her laugh. What kind of shows does she like? Someone who finds The Office funny might not find SpongeBob SquarePants or Rick & Morty funny.
Overall, you can break a girl’s sense of humor down into a few different categories:
If a girl’s into observational humor, she’ll likely laugh at seemingly random everyday life—things that might not be deliberately “funny,” in a traditional sense. With this kind of humor, expect to hear jokes about being stuck in traffic, standing in line, and interactions with tellers or mailpersons. It’s usually effective, because everyone can relate to it—even if not everyone finds it funny.
Seinfeld is a great example of observational humor; in the truest sense, it is a show about nothing, where Jerry and his gang go on about their daily lives and view every encounter through a humorous lens.
Slapstick or physical
If you’ve ever laughed at someone slipping on a banana peel, getting hit in the face by a pie, or having a very severe reaction to spicy foods, then you’ve laughed at slapstick or physical humor.
While typically, this type of humor is reserved for movies and TV shows, like anything Jim Carrey is in, Jackass, or Mr. Bean, if you know a girl who’s really into slapstick comedy, she’ll probably be pretty likely to laugh (with or at you) if you act like a goofy fool now and again. Just try not to overdo it.
If a girl’s making fun of herself in some way, shape, or form, she’s using self-deprecating humor. Usually, it’s to highlight her own flaws, mistakes, or embarrassing moments to make others laugh. It’s a great way of letting other people know that you don’t take yourself too seriously.
If you’re trying to make a girl laugh who uses a lot of her own self-deprecating humor, it’ll be great to follow suit.
Absurd or surreal
This type of humor is a bit out there—in a good way. It relies on unexpected, bizarre, or nonsensical situations or responses to circumstances. Typically, fans of this type of humor like offbeat jokes or goofy memes. They’re probably also huge fans of Monty Python movies or Rick & Morty.
So, if you know a girl who likes to make unexpected or weird jokes, then her sense of humor could best be described as surreal or absurd.
Dark or morbid
If the girl you know likes to make jokes about death, illness, or tragedy, then she’s most likely a fan of dark or morbid humor. While this type of humor can sometimes be offensive, in the right company it can be exceedingly effective. Often, it’s also a way for people to cope with the difficult aspects of life, using the healthy bit of cynicism or irony provided by dark humor.
This type of humor probably needs no real introduction. If you know a girl who uses irony to mock or maybe even show a little contempt, then she is well-versed in the art of sarcasm.
While sarcasm taken too far can just be mean—softer sarcasm can be playful or even affectionate.
Wit and wordplay
While this type of humor can have a lot in common with “dad jokes,” wit and wordplay can be so much wider than that. Usually, this type of humor is a bit more intelligent, and often doesn’t necessarily lead to uproarious laughter, but maybe a smirk or a smile.
This type of humor usually pairs well with lots of other humor, including sarcasm, absurd or surreal, or dark humor. Monty Python, in addition to being ridiculous, is also quite witty, as is The Office, Arrested Development, and 30 Rock.
These categories will definitely help you home in on a girl’s sense of humor, but you’ll have to spend a bit of time with her before you start to pick up on what truly tickles her fancy. While there is no single type of humor that is perfect for everyone, it’s likely that a lot of people find aspects of all these categories funny.
The next step is to start to figure out how to be funny yourself.
Developing Your Sense of Humor
While you might be lucky enough to be naturally funny, humor—like many other traits—can be learned and developed with enough time and effort.
Once you’ve figured out what sense of humor the girl you’re trying to make laugh has, it’s time to do some research. The good news is that this process is pretty fun itself; it’s time to watch a bunch of humorous movies and TV shows. Books can also be a great way to brush up on your humor, as you’ll find plenty of published works specifically about humor and developing techniques.
Naturally, you can use the girl you are trying to make laugh as inspiration for what to read or watch. If she has a favorite TV series that just so happens to be comedy, then that will give you something to binge. You can also search for books related to that type of humor.
Then, if you want to put things to the test without embarrassing yourself, an AI Girlfriend can be a great help. With them, you’ll be able to try out any jokes or humorous ideas you may have, and they’ll not only be able to tell you what type of humor it is, but also be able to potentially tell you how funny it believes the idea to be. Granted, computers can’t laugh, but they can sometimes be great judges of humor.
Dos and Don’ts of Making a Girl Laugh
The last thing you want to do when you’re trying to figure out how to make a girl laugh is for you to either offend her or really embarrass yourself (a little embarrassment is ok and might go a long way, plus it’s self-deprecating).
Let’s start with the dos:
Be genuine and authentic
The best humor comes naturally. Even if your sense of humor doesn’t quite match the girl’s, it’s better to be true to your own personality than try to pretend to be something you’re not. Granted, with enough time and energy, you’ll certainly start to pick up on the things that will make her laugh and be able to do them yourself.
Lighten serious or tense situations with humor
If you’re nervous about a date, humor can be a huge help; or if you’re having an argument, you can help lighten the situation with a little bit of humor.
Tease—but don’t be mean
There’s a fine line between teasing a girl and being outright mean to her. Try not to be mean. It’s okay to cross that line on occasion, but if it seems like you’ve hurt her feelings, be sure to apologize.
Now, for a couple don’ts:
Avoid offensive or inappropriate humor
While you’ll certainly find an audience for these sorts of jokes, especially the dark and morbid ones, it’s best to steer clear of them unless you’re absolutely sure you’re in good company. If you’re worried a joke you’re about to make might offend someone, it’s best simply not to say it.
Don’t force it
As hard as it may be, it’s probably better not to try to make a girl laugh than to force it and have it blow up in your face. We probably all have that one friend who will stop at nothing to try and be funny—all the time—it can be exhausting and, ultimately, perhaps a little annoying.
Overall, where humor is concerned, try to use your best judgment; you’ll quickly learn what types of jokes work with a girl in question and which jokes will fall flat.
What to Do When You Can’t Get Her to Laugh
If you’ve tried your best and for some reason haven’t been able to make a girl laugh, or at the very least, crack a smile, the situation isn’t entirely hopeless. Sometimes, nerves or a lack of confidence can hamper your attempts at humor, especially since so much of humor is in the timing, and both of these things can certainly affect that.
So, if you’re introverted, it can probably be hard to try to make a girl laugh in a room full of people, so be mindful of those sorts of situations. You could even use your feeling uncomfortable as fuel for self-deprecating humor if she asks you if you’re okay.
Also, persistence is key. Not every joke will land—although if none of your jokes are landing, you might be trying too much and need to re-strategize. It’s okay for her not to laugh at all of your jokes.
If you want a bit of insight as to why your humorous efforts have gone in vain, your AI Girlfriend can once again be a great help. You can test jokes on her first and see how she finds them, or you can try to have her help you analyze why your jokes might not have worked. After all, these AI models have a lot of expertise to draw from, whether they’re in the form of ChatGPT or an AI companion.
The Bottom Line
At the end of the day, there’s no secret trick for how to make a girl laugh. While some people are naturally funny, many others have to work to hone this ability, and no two people have the exact same sense of humor.
Though you can go through the effort to try to develop a sense of humor that’s perfect for a specific girl, it’s just as likely that you’ll find someone else who laughs at all your jokes without any effort. Either way, humor is a great quality to have in any relationship, and it’s definitely something to be sought—however you want to do it.