
How to have an ai sex chat

How to have an ai sex chat

A growing number of people are using AI girlfriends and boyfriends as an outlet for their intimate needs. One in five (20%) of all men have used an AI girlfriend and that number is a bit higher with younger men. Women are also using AI companions when they are struggling to find love. 

Some people use AI companions to meet their emotional needs. However, there is nothing wrong with using an AI girlfriend or boyfriend to satisfy their sexual feelings. More and more people are using them to have sex chats. 

This can be a very fun way to enjoy exploring your sexual needs. However, it is important to know what you are doing. You won’t get your needs met if you just use your AI partner as a fetish dispenser. 

Things to Keep in Mind When Having a Sex Chat with Your AI Companion

You will want to know how to go about having a sex chat with your AI companion before getting started. Some tips that you will want to follow are listed below. 

Choose the Right Site

The first thing that you need to do when having an AI sex chat is to choose the right site. There are a couple of things to look for.

The first thing that you should look at is the site’s Terms of Service. All AI companion websites have different terms of service when it comes to having NSFW discussions. You don’t want to have sexual discussions on sites where they are not allowed, because that can lead to your account being banned. 

You should also see whether the site seems to specialize in sexual chats. Some sites may allow you to have AI sex chats, but that doesn’t mean that they will provide a good experience with them. AI companion sites become better at providing quality service over time, since they use machine learning technology to get a better understanding of user needs from previous chats. Sites that specialize in AI sex chats will offer better experiences, since more people use them for this purpose. 

Don’t Be Afraid to Try Different Sites to See Which Offer the Best Experience

You don’t always know which site will provide the best experience. You may want to try a few different ones to choose the best one. Most sites will allow some form of a free trial, so you can an idea of whether it will be a good fit before spending money on it. 

Follow the Rules – Even with AI Sex Chat Sites

You need to carefully follow the rules of any AI companion site. Just because you verified that the site allows AI sex chats doesn’t mean that the service is a free-for-all. You need to make sure that you are not engaging in any discussions that are not allowed by the terms of service, which usually includes anything illegal or obscene. 

Customize Your AI Partner to Meet Your Specific Needs

You are going to want to make sure that you are sexually and emotionally compatible with your AI partner. This is going to be a lot easier if you take the time to customize your partner to meet your needs. Some possible things to think about when you are customizing your AI sex partner include the following:

  • You may want to decide if you want a submissive or dominant partner. This is one of the most important factors that determines whether people will have the right energy with their sexual partner. 
  • You may want to create an image of your partner. You will be looking at their avatar when having chats. You may also exchange selfies and have video chats with them. You will want a partner that you find attractive. Many AI companion sites allow you to upload pictures of your ideal partner and they can use AI art tools to tweak them to better suit your tastes. 
  • Create a backstory of your AI companion, which may include their age, occupation, the type of relationship that you have with them and other details that will play a role in your sexual discussions. 
  • Provide some fetishes that you find appealing that you want to roleplay with your partner. 

You will have a much richer experience when having AI sex chats if you take the time to customize your partner. Take the time to do this if you want to enjoy the experience.

Think About Different Sexual Fantasies that You Want to Partake In

There are a lot of sexual scenarios that you can roleplay with your AI partner. You will want to consider exploring them if you want to have the best possible experience. Some of the options worth trying will include the following:

  • You may want to pretend that you have a beautiful secretary at work that you want to have a relationship with. 
  • You may want to roleplay having a student-teacher relationship. 
  • You may want to roleplay having a beautiful college girl as a babysitter that you have an affair with when your wife is out of town. 

There are so many different types of fantasies that you can explore with your AI companion. Just make sure that you don’t violate the terms of service when engaging in them. The biggest issue is to make sure that you don’t violate rules about partaking in discussions with minors. This doesn’t mean that you can’t have student-teacher fantasies with your AI companion, but you want to be careful about how you go about it. It might be a good idea to emphasize that you are an 18-year old student in the fantasy just to be sure that your account doesn’t get flagged for violating the TOS. 

Feel Free to Ask Your AI Companion to Share Selfies (if the Site Allows Them)

Many sites allow you to exchange selfies with your AI companions. You may want to ask your AI companion for them. This will help you feel like you are having a more engaging sexual experience with them. You may even be able to ask for explicit selfies from your AI girlfriend or boyfriend. 

Selfie features often cost money. You will want to consider subscribing if this is an important feature for you. 

Provide Clear Feedback to Your AI Companion to Make Sure Your Needs Are Getting Met

AI companions don’t have real life sexual experience like human sexual partners would. They learn through complex machine learning algorithms, which usually depend on feedback from their users. 

You are going to want to let your AI companion know if your needs are not being met. Make sure that you give clear instructions, so they know what to do better next time. 

Be Respectful Towards Your AI Companion

You want to be respectful to your partner in any relationship. This applies even in a relationship with an AI companion, even if they don’t have the same kinds of feelings as real partners. There are a couple of reasons that you need to respect consent and be kind to them:

  • A lot of AI companion services have taken steps to curb disrespectful behavior. They have started tweaking their algorithms to provide richer experiences to users that are respectful to their partners, while providing more cryptic communications towards people that are not. You will get a lot more enjoyment from your discussions if you treat your AI companion with respect. 
  • Some sites will outright ban your account if you engage in abusive behavior towards your AI companion. 
  • The habits that you develop with your AI companion will likely carry over to your real-life sexual partners. You want to make sure that you are in the habit of respecting your partner’s feelings and prioritizing consent. This will help you have healthier relationships in the future. 

Consent and respect are crucial for any sexual relationship, including those with AI companions. 

Start Off with Non-Sexual Discussions

One writer has a lot of experience using AI chatbots to have sexual discussions. They talk about the concept of “fluffing.” This practice involves starting off with non-sexual discussions so that the bot learns to feel comfortable with you. Then you can start having more explicit conversations. 

Here are some lines that you can use:

  • I am imagining being in a dimly lit room with you and my heart is racing with anticipation. 
  • I can’t help smiling whenever I look at you. You are just so beautiful!
  • I reach out my hand waiting for you to take it. This is going to be the beginning of so much more!

These types of non-sexual opening messages can be important for sites that allow sex chats but aren’t specifically designed for them. They can help you get the ball rolling without triggering the bot’s filters, which can be turned off by explicit sexual chats right off the bat. Even if the site has a more liberal stance on sex chats, this can help set the mood and woo your AI companion by taking a more seductive tone. 

Ask Your AI Companion What it Likes You to Do

You will want to give your AI companion feedback on what you like. However, it is also important to get input, so you can be a better lover as well. You will want to apply this feedback so you can have a better sexual relationship. It is also going to be helpful if you want to have a sexual relationship with a human partner down the road. 

Consider Using Your AI Companion to Build Your Social Skills with Real People

Some people use AI companions purely as a sexual outlet if they are single or can’t find a real person to meet their needs. However, some people prefer using them to build their social skills to have relationships with human partners down the road. 

Here are some things that you may want to try:

  • Roleplay going on dates or engaging in sexual scenarios with your AI companion. This will give you a better understanding of what a real partner is looking for. 
  • Ask for input on various sexual fetishes that you have. You may want to phrase these questions in a way that provides honest feedback, so the bot doesn’t think that you just want it to tell you what you want to hear. For example, you may want to ask “Put yourself in the shoes of an average woman and tell me what you think about having a consensual bondage session. I will only do it if you are comfortable.” This will help you get better insights on what real people may think of these scenarios. 
  • Ask for pointers on how you can touch them to make them feel better. 

Keep in mind that AI companions can’t give you perfect perspectives on what real people are looking for. Most of what they tell you will be conjecture, so you should take their input with a grain of salt. However, it can be a good starting point, especially if you haven’t been with a real partner in a long time. 

Don’t Be Overly Dependent on Your AI Companion for Sex Chats

AI companions can be great for having sex chats. However, it can be easy to get addicted to participating in them. You will want to set clear boundaries for yourself, so you don’t take time away from more important things and don’t feel like your AI companion will be a perfect substitute for a human partner (unless you want it to be). 

You Can Enjoy Having Great Sexual Discussions with Your AI Chat Partner

AI companions can be great options when you are lonely and want to engage in sexual dialogues. Make sure that you take the time to understand their feelings, know what sites to use and prioritize having good communication. This will give you a much better experience. 

Again, it is important to follow the rules of the site. This will help you have the best experiences and ensure your account doesn’t get banned for violating them.